Programs & Services
Providing Services & Rent Assistance Programs Since 1986

Emergency Shelter
SOS provides shelter assistance for those who are escaping domestic violence or who have been displaced due to a catastrophic event. The provided shelter may be in the form of a motel room, campground, or in cases of domestic violence, a safe-house.
Rapid Re-housing Assistance
Individuals or families who are experiencing homelessness and have been approved for a rental but are struggling to come up with move-in costs can apply for financial assistance. Clients who apply must undergo a screening process to determine if assistance will get them into a state of self-sufficiency. Those who are approved must attend meetings with a case manager and attend workshops in Stress Management, Frugal Living, Personal Finance, Tenant Rights and Responsibilities, and in some cases, classes to help them gain employment.
Transportation Vouchers
Clients who are in crisis and are in need of assistance through bus tickets, taxi service, or fuel for a personal vehicle may seek SOS assistance. Assistance is based upon the circumstances as well as whether the assistance will put the applicant into a safe and stable situation.
Classes and workshops are provided periodically in the areas of financial management, stress management, employment, parenting, tenant rights and responsibilities, and meal planning. These classes are free and open to the public.
Presentations to Schools & Community Groups
These are made in subjects such as dating safety and etiquette, social media safety and etiquette, and tenant rights and responsibilities.
Rent Assistance Program
SOS strives to provide low-income families with safety nets in the event of an unforeseen event or crisis. SOS provides programs that help with rent payments or utility bills as well as voucher assistance with prescriptions, bathing facilities, laundry, and transportation. These resources are provided when it is determined that the assistance will help them get into a state of self-sufficiency and safety. All rent assistance programs are dependent on having sufficient funds available. Services are sponsored by the Lane County Human Services Commission and the cities of Eugene and Springfield.
Utility Assistance
Clients who are struggling to pay their utility bills can seek financial assistance. SOS provides a voucher program for individuals struggling to pay their water or propane bills. The assistance is based on the circumstances of the need and whether the assistance can help get the applicant into a state of self-sufficiency.
Prescription Assistance
Clients who are struggling to cover a prescription cost may seek financial assistance. Prescription assistance is limited to those who were recently injured or diagnosed. Some painkillers are not covered by this program.
Confidentiality Statement
It is the policy of Siuslaw Outreach Services (SOS) to comply with all confidentiality policies required by Federal Law and Oregon Law. SOS will not disclose any personally identifying information or individual information collected in connection with services being requested or utilized or denied regardless of whether the information has been encoded or encrypted unless the individual seeking services has provided signed informed consent, or the agency has been compelled by statutory mandate under Oregon Law.
Homeless Prevention Assistance
Housing Assistance is a financial aid program designed to prevent homelessness. To access the program, individuals may pick up an application at SOS between 10:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. Monday – Friday. Once an application has been received, it is reviewed by a housing review committee to see if the application meets the requirements of the funding sources available. Each year SOS assists approximately 100 households with this program.
Energy Assistance
Clients who are struggling to pay their heating bills can seek financial assistance. SOS provides two types of programs for individuals struggling to pay their bills. LIHEAP (Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program) is a federally funded financial assistance program designed to help low-income households deal with the increased cost of heating in the winter months. To access this program, households need to sign up on the designated day (usually November 1st or December 1st). Funds are limited for this program. The second program is the Project Care Program which is designed to help individuals or families who have received or are at risk of receiving a “shut off” notice due to an unexpected loss of income.
Shower/Laundry Voucher Assistance
These vouchers are for individuals or families who are homeless or who are displaced.
Special Veteran Voucher Programs
SOS would like to thank our men and women who have served our country by providing special assistance programs. This program includes help with prescriptions, shelter, and transportation. Funds for this program come from individual donations. The ability to serve our veterans is based on available funds.
Domestic Violence Advocacy
A victim of domestic violence may request assistance from one of our professional advocates. We provide advocacy, information, and support in obtaining a restraining order, legal aid, safety planning, relocation for safety, and education on how to live a life free from domestic violence in the future. We host support groups and assistance with the legal system. Most importantly we attempt to show victims how to be a survivor and not just see themselves as a victim. They are supported at all times and encouraged to take back control of their lives in a safe and healthy manner.
Family Abuse Protection Act Orders
The law offers the protection of Family Abuse Protection Act (FAPA) orders to victims of domestic violence, whether or not a victim has reported the abuse to the police. A FAPA order is free, and a victim does not need an attorney to get one, although an attorney is recommended if an abuser contests the order. FAPA orders are available in every county in Oregon. Once issued, a FAPA order is effective for one year unless the court terminates or extends the order. It is important to remember that a FAPA order does not guarantee safety. If you are a victim of domestic violence, contact an advocate to make a safety plan.
Sexual Assault Advocacy
If a person is sexually assaulted, they will be in charge of what services they want to receive at all times. An advocate will give support and assistance through any and all medical systems, as well as legal systems. An advocate will also assist in making a safety plan, gaining safe housing, education, and offering a support group. All services are provided while assuring the person they are not at fault for what has happened.
Children and Domestic Violence
Children who are exposed to violence between parents are victims of abuse as well and are also at greater risk of developing mental illness, engaging in unhealthy relationships, and may become violent in their future relationships. School-age children who are exposed to ongoing domestic violence may develop low self-esteem, will often have difficulty performing in school, and may engage in substance abuse. Young children who witness intimate partner violence may start doing things they used to do when they were younger, such as bed-wetting, thumb-sucking, increased crying, and whining. They may also develop difficulty falling or staying asleep; show signs of terror, such as stuttering or hiding; and show signs of severe separation anxiety. In many cases, a parent will endure the abuse in order to protect their children and ensure housing for their children. On average, more than three women a day are murdered by their husbands or intimate partner in the United States. In many cases they are murdered while trying to protect their child. For more information about children and Domestic Violence, contact us.
Domestic Violence Information
Domestic Violence is a pattern of coercive tactics that can include physical, psychological, sexual, economic, and emotional abuse, perpetrated by one person against an intimate partner, with the goal of establishing and maintaining power and control. Domestic Violence occurs in all kinds of intimate relationships, including married couples, people who are dating, couples who live together, people with children in common, same-sex partners, people who were formerly in a relationship with the person abusing them, and teen dating relationships. For more information about Domestic Violence, visit NCADV.
Nondiscrimination Rights & Protections to Beneficiaries
SOS operates its program, services and activities in compliance with federal nondiscrimination laws. No person shall, on the basis of race, color, national origin (including limited English proficiency), disability, religion, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, or age, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any of our programs.

Notice of Nondiscrimination Rights and Protections to Beneficiaries
Siuslaw Outreach Services, Inc. operates its program, services, and activities in compliance with federal nondiscrimination laws. No person shall, on the basis of race, color, national origin (including limited English proficiency), disability, religion, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, or age, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any of our programs.
To file a complaint of discrimination, write Office of Civil Rights, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice (OCR), 810 7th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20531 or call 202-307-0690 (Voice) or 202-307-2027 (TDD/TTY). Individuals who are hearing impaired or have speech disabilities may also contact OCR through the Federal Relay Service at 800-877-8339 (TTY), 877-877-8982 (Speech) or 800-845-6136 (Spanish).
Crisis Hotline
or toll-free 1-877-997-3687
1576 West 12th Street
Florence, OR 97439
Mailing Address
PO Box 19000
Florence, OR 97439
Office Phone
Open Office Hours
Monday-Friday 10:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. (excluding major holidays)
Other appointment times are available by calling the office.